Fall /Winter/Spring Programs

6th, 7th & 8th Grade Teams Available 

Nestled in the heart of Clairemont, Hawks Baseball stands as a unique and distinguished high school prep program, boasting a remarkable legacy that extends over a span of more than 15 years. Our unwavering mission revolves around equipping our players with the essential skills and expertise they need to soar to new heights in their athletic endeavors.

At Hawks Baseball, our seasoned coaches, who possess a wealth of invaluable experience, prioritize the holistic development of each player, fostering their growth and ensuring they reach the pinnacle of their potential. We place a strong emphasis on honing their abilities, both on and off the field, cultivating well-rounded athletes who are primed to compete at the highest echelons of their sport.

As part of our commitment to excellence, we actively participate in travel ball, pitting our talents against some of the most elite teams across the nation. Additionally, we embark on annual expeditions to renowned destinations such as Cooperstown and Omaha CWS, among other notable locations, to curate unforgettable and unparalleled baseball experiences for our players. These extraordinary journeys not only enhance their skills but also create lasting memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.

Choose Hawks Baseball for an exceptional and personalized high school prep experience. Join us in forging a path towards greatness as we continue to shape the future of baseball and nurture the talents of tomorrow’s stars.

Get in touch

Are you interested in learning more about being part of Go Hawks? Send us a message today!